BOOYAH FOR G.R.E.A.T. Graduates!

This morning was the first graduating class of 2015 and was held at B.T. Bullock along with SRO (School Resource Officer) Deputy Jynnifer Bridges, who taught the 6 week program to 120 fourth grade students.

G.R.E.A.T.  (Gang Resistance Education And Training) is an evidence-based and effective gang and violence prevention program built around school-based, law enforcement officer-instructed classroom curriculum.

The program is intended as an immunization against delinquency, youth violence, and gang membership for children in the years immediately before the prime ages for introduction into gangs and delinquent behavior. It also walks the students through processes like decision making, conflict resolution, anger management, and the consequences of gangs and violence. It also builds their relationship and trust with law enforcement personnel.

A special thanks to the following staff members who helped make this such a successful event:Geoffrey Hurdt, Christian Chaney, Heather Smeraldo, Charlene Schlott, Andrea Mcvey and Stefanie Clarke.

Deputy Bridges was presented with a "Leadership Award" by the staff of B.T. Bullock for her excellence in leading this group of young leaders during this graduation.
Would you help me in giving these young men and women a hand?
Sheriff Carter

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It appears that our fine sheriff just keeps on going, with yet another innovative program.....directed toward the youth of Lee County.

GOOD SHOW to all !