On Sunday July 19
th 2015 Lee County Sheriff’s
Office Narcotics agents arrested
Aaron Brent Lane age 29 of 3258 Chris Cole
Road Sanford. Lane was found by deputies passed out in his still running
vehicle, with cash in his hand not far from his residence. Lane was charged
with possession with the intent to sell and deliver a schedule I substance
(Heroin), possession with the intent to sell and deliver a schedule III
substance (Suboxone), felony maintaining a vehicle for the storage of an
illegal controlled substance, and misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia.
Lane was jailed under a $20,000.00 secured bond.

On Monday July 20
th 2015 Lee County Sheriff’s
Office Narcotics agents arrested
Akil Mathew Mcaden age 32 of 617 Barnes Street
Sanford. Mcaden was found by agents to be in possession of 24 dosage units of
Alprazolam, a generic drug for Xanax. Mcaden was with possession with the
intent to sell and deliver, and misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia.
Mcaden was jailed under a $40,000.00 secured bond.

On Monday July 20th 2015 Lee County Sheriff’s
Office Narcotics agents arrested Thomas Henry Corns age 33 of 452 Gunter Lake
Road Sanford. Uniform deputies executed an order for arrest of Corns and it was
later discovered that Corns was in possession of a clear rock like substance
and a few items of drug paraphernalia. Lee County Sheriff’s Office narcotics
agents assisted by conducting a field test of the rock like substance which
yielded a positive result for crystal methamphetamine. Corns was charged with
possession of methamphetamines, felony maintaining a dwelling place for the use
of illegal controlled substance, and possession of misdemeanor drug
paraphernalia. Corns was jailed under a $2,500.00 secured bond.

On Tuesday July 21
st 2015 Lee County Sheriff’s
Office Narcotics agents arrested
Mariya Leanna Forestiere age 21 and
Ryan Riddle age 24 of lot 42 Harts mobile home park Sanford, after agents
discovered 2 Marijuana plants growing on the front porch of the residence.
Agents executed a search warrant on the property located at 42 Harts mobile
home park and in the course of the search agents located 30 dosage units of
Tramadol which is a schedule III controlled substance. Forestiere and Riddle
were both charged with felony manufacturing Marijuana, felony maintaining a
dwelling place for the storage and sales of illegal controlled substance and
misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia. Forestiere received an additional
charge for possession with the intent to sell and deliver a schedule III
substance (Tramadol). Forestiere was jailed under a $3500.00 secured bond and
Riddle was jailed under a $2500.00 secured bond.
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