Drug Agents Net Five in Latest Operation

Cedric Antwyon Mcauley, 42 years old  of 100 Murchisontown Road Sanford NC 27332 was arrested for two counts of sell and deliver Cocaine, two counts of maintaining a vehicle to Sale a controlled substance and  one count of drug paraphernalia.



Ann Marie Williams, 35 years old of 100 Murchisontown Road Sanford NC 27332 was arrested for two counts of conspire to traffic oxycodone, two counts of sell and deliver cocaine, one count of maintain a vehicle to sale a controlled substance and two counts of paraphernalia.


Cedric Tevares Clemons, 30 years old of 100 Murchisontown Road Sanford NC 27330 was arrested for one count of sell and deliver cocaine, one count of maintain a vehicle to sale a controlled substance and one count of paraphernalia.



Terry McGilberry, 63 years old of 27 McGilberry Lane Sanford NC 27330 was arrested for four counts of trafficking opium, 2 counts of sell and deliver cocaine, one count of conspire to sell cocaine, two counts of maintaining a vehicle to sale a controlled substance and one count of paraphernalia.


Rex McGilberry, 57 years old of 27 McGilberry Lane Sanford NC 27330 was arrested for four counts of trafficking opium, 2 counts of sell and deliver cocaine, one count of conspire to sell cocaine, two counts of maintaining a vehicle to sale a controlled substance and one count of paraphernalia.

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