Prepare for the Summer

Summertime is here, and the last thing you need after a relaxing vacation is to return home and find that you have been a victim of a criminal act, especially a burglary. Here are a few tips that may keep you from being a victim.

-Remember to place your mail, packages, and newspaper on hold. Criminals notice when the mail piles up or newspapers are scattered on the lawn. Criminals know this is a good indication that you are out of town.

-Place your lights, televisions, and radios on timers. This provides the image that someone is home. Be sure to close all blinds to ensure a potential criminal does not have the ability to peer inside your residence and monitor activity.

-Remember to trim shrubs so they cannot hide potential burglary suspects. Exterior motion detector lights are also a great deterrent.

-Be sure to lock all doors, windows, garage doors, storage sheds, vehicles, and gates prior to leaving your residence.

-Remember to set your security alarm system if you have one. Test your system prior to leaving, to ensure it is functioning correctly. Ensure your personal contact information is also up-to-date; to ensure your alarm monitoring company has the ability to reach you.

-Have a close trustworthy friend or relative check on your residence while you are away.  Give them the authority to call 9-1-1 if they notice anything suspicious. 

-As excited as you may be to update your friends about your vacation on social media, you may strongly wish to reconsider. Remember, anyone that is able to access your social media profile, will gain insight that you are away on vacation. Potential criminals pay attention to these details and could attempt to break into your home while you are away.


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