Are You Prepared?

I’m Sheriff Tracy Carter, and I want to talk to you about something that is very important to me: Your safety… Everyday can bring new challenges, not only locally, but in our great State, Nation and World.

In these uncertain times in our world today, we ALL must be prepared. I’d like to believe that most of you are prepared…But are you? Prepared for what you may ask.  From natural disasters, such as ice &snow storms, tornados, hurricanes, long term power outages, acts of terrorism and now civil unrest and COVID-19. 

During this unprecedented time when there is no “normalcy” due to COVID-19, do your best to practice social distancing, wash your hands, try to wear a mask when out in public along with other CDC recommendations to stay healthy. Lastly, if you feel sick, stay
home, don’t go to work and seek medical attention immediately.

Do you have an emergency preparedness kit set aside with items suggested that you’ll need in the event of a nature disaster?

Most of you are aware that I’m a big advocate of the 2nd Amendment. If you feel threatened in your home, you should be able to defend yourself and your love ones from that threat.

If you do own a firearm and have children in the home, please take precautions and secure them properly. Included in the list of links below is a link to the NC firearm laws which may answer some questions many of you have.

With gun ownership comes responsibility. There are a lot of people purchasing firearms for the first time and learning to use your firearm properly is important. There are several private businesses in Lee County which can provide personal firearms and safety courses. Public classes are normally posted on my Facebook page. Several local resources that provide this service to the general public or it’s members are, but not limited to the Lee County Wildlife Club, Deep River Sporting Clays and others. Topics range from Basic Handgun 101 & Concealed Carry to Corporate and Church security. Consider taking a certified safety course in handling a firearm so you can defend yourself and loved ones in the event you find yourself in danger. My Community Services Unit can also be a great resource if you have questions or would like further guidance on training or references. Their direct number is 919-718-4561, ext. 5607 / 5608 / 5629.

In an emergency, activating 9-1-1 first is of the utmost importance! This allows the first responders to get a jump start on the emergency. I also realize that in some cases that is just not possible, until the threat is over. Being properly trained in the use of a firearm or non-lethal weapon can mean the difference between life and death, or you becoming a victim.

Also, more information can be found on our county website for handgun permits, emergency preparedness and other community information. I attempt to update both my Facebook, Blogsite and Nextdoor sites throughout the week with information.

The criminal element or enemy that threatens our freedom often attacks weak or what are referred to as “soft targets”. I want to encourage the good law abiding citizens of Lee County to not give our enemies any soft targets if we can help it. This is as easy as
just using situational awareness when you’re out on your daily drive, shopping, stopping for gas, visiting an ATM, etc. Just pay more attention to your surroundings.

I also want to encourage everyone to not hesitate to call your local law enforcement if you see anything suspicious in your neighborhoods or if you feel you need us for anything else. You, the citizens, can help combat crime by being our ears and eyes and
by reporting suspicious happenings. Activate the 9-1-1 system first…

“The Constitution of most of our states (and of the United States) assert that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed”
Thomas Jefferson

“Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom.”
President John F. Kennedy

Thank you all for your continued support.

Sheriff Tracy L. Carter

List of above referenced websites:


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