Jail Fire Forces Evacuation

An inmate with a pack of matches started a mattress fire at the Lee County jail Thursday afternoon, causing black smoke to billow through the facility but causing only minor injuries, the sheriff said. Sheriff Tracy Carter said several inmates were being treated for smoke inhalation.
Sheriff Carter said about 125 inmates were in the jail at the time, close to capacity. The building was evacuated; inmates were taken into their recreation yard outside, and employees stood on a sidewalk as firefighters searched for the source of the smoke. The sheriff also said the fire was started by Tony Wade Johnson, 42, of Sanford, who was being held in isolation awaiting sentencing on several charges, including first-degree burglary, kidnapping, robbery with a dangerous weapon and impersonating a police officer. The sheriff said Johnson will face additional charges and likely would be taken to Central Prison in Raleigh until his next court appearance. Carter didn't know how Johnson got the matches, and he said the mattresses in the jail were supposed to be made of a fire-resistant material. By Thursday evening, Carter said the jail had been cleaned up and the inmates returned to their cells.

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