Sheriff's Leadership Institute

Sheriff Tracy Carter completed week four of the Sheriffs’ Leadership Institute. This training was sponsored by the North Carolina Sheriffs’ Association and funded through a grant from the Governor’s Crime Commission. Thirty-four Sheriffs from across the state received their certificates at a ceremony held at Duke University in Durham.

The Sheriffs’ Leadership Institute consisted of four one-week training programs conducted over a period of two years. The first two weeks were designed primarily for newly-elected Sheriffs and provided specific, technical skills necessary to assume the Office of Sheriff. The second two weeks were designed for newly-elected and experienced Sheriffs to further their knowledge, skills, and abilities in the leadership and management of the Sheriff’s Office.

This Institute is a national model and provided leadership and technical training, specifically designed for Sheriffs, like no other training in the United States.

The Association Headquarters is located in Raleigh, North Carolina. Edmond W. Caldwell, Jr. serves as Executive Vice President and General Counsel. (Shaking hands with Sheriff Carter pictured above is our beloved NC Attorney General, Roy Cooper)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When does this guy ever sleep? I see him out on patrol... I see him at stores introducing himself, getting to know people.. I see that he's not itimidated by education. I wish I would have been here to congradulate those that voted this man to oversee the law enforcement for Lee county and Sanford. Everything I hear is nothing but top notch...Thanks Sheriff!