Sheriff Carter Visits Washington DC

Lee County Sheriff Tracy Carter traveled to Washington, DC last week to join a group of colleagues from around the country working to raise public awareness of the severe local public safety problems that result from unsecured borders and lax immigration law enforcement.

Speaking at a panel discussion before an audience of lawmakers and news media, Sheriff Carter described the challenges he and his deputies face here in Lee County. “This is a national security issue and a threat to our nation's sovereignty,” Carter said.

The panel discussion was sponsored by the Center for Immigration Studies, a research institute that studies the impact of immigration on the United States, and included Congressman Steve King (R-IA), who is Vice Chairman of the House Immigration Policy and Enforcement sub-committee, which oversees federal immigration agencies and initiates new immigration legislation.

In addition to Sheriff Carter, the panel heard remarks from sheriffs in Arizona, Iowa and Maryland, and other parts of North Carolina. Following the panel, the Sheriffs met with members of Congress, to discuss these issues and possible legislative solutions.

Sheriff Carter also met with ICE officials to talk about the importance of robust enforcement and the need for a strong partnership and an active ICE presence in this area to meet the challenges of transnational drug trafficking and other crime problems related to illegal immigration.

In closing, Sheriff Carter added, “The Lee County Sheriff’s Office will continue to use every resource available to stop drug dealers from coming into our county. Illegal’s who are here and commit a crime will be arrested and they will be deported. We will to continue to send a message to Washington that we need to secure our borders. “

The following links are provided for more information from other news outlets concerning the visit:

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