Just a reminder that the first-ever nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System is scheduled to be conducted on Wednesday, November 9, at 2:00 p.m. EST.
Some key points about this test include the following:
* The test will be approximately 30 seconds long and will look and sound very similar to the frequent local tests of the Emergency Alert System;
* It will be transmitted via television and radio stations within the U.S., including Alaska,Hawaii, the territories of Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and American Samoa;
* An audio message will interrupt television and radio programming indicating: "This is only a test," though text may not indicate this same message on the screen on every television channel;
* Organizations that serve people with disabilities or people with limited English proficiency should be aware that they may receive requests for information or assistance from broadcasters or other communications service providers and emergency managers in the days leading up to, during, and after the test; and
* When the test is over, regular programming will resume.
* The National Weather Service Raleigh NOAA Weather Radio routine weekly test normally scheduled for Wednesday, November 9th will be done a day earlier on Tuesday, November 8th. If severe weather is expected on November 8th, the routine NOAA Weather Radio weekly test will be canceled for the entire week. Again, no NOAA Weather Radio tests will be conducted on Wednesday, November 9th, to allow the national EAS test to be conducted instead.
Please see the following attachments or web links for further details:
* NWS Raleigh Public Information Statement: <http://www.erh.noaa.gov/rah/news/content/National_EAS_Test_PNS.pdf> http://www.erh.noaa.gov/rah/news/content/National_EAS_Test_PNS.pdf
* FCC National EAS Test Homepage: Test Day Handbook, Test Results Reporting System and PSAs, both Audio and Video, in English and Spanish: <http://www.fcc.gov/encyclopedia/emergency-alert-system-nationwide-test> http://www.fcc.gov/encyclopedia/emergency-alert-system-nationwide-test
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