JR Ingram Graduates 137 From The GREAT Program!

Kudos to Deputy Bridges and staff @ JR Ingram for graduating 137 fourth graders on February 29th from the G.R.E.A.T. program!! 

Shout out to Ms Duffey for her support and dedication to the program as well as all of the teachers. Also want to thank Mrs Brower for the amazing banner!! Sheriff Carter and other staff members came out to cheer on the graduates!

G.R.E.A.T.  (Gang Resistance Education And Training) is six week, evidence-based and effective gang and violence prevention program built around school-based, law enforcement officer-instructed classroom curriculum. The program is intended as an immunization against delinquency, youth violence, and gang membership for children in the years immediately before the prime ages for introduction into gangs and delinquent behavior. It also walks the students through processes like decision making, conflict resolution, anger management, and the consequences of gangs and violence. It also builds their relationship and trust with law enforcement personnel.

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