Drug Agents Arrest Durham Man

On Friday May 11th, 2017, Lee County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics agents, accompanied by investigators from the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigations, the Hoke County Sheriff’s Office, and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), arrested Fernando Serrano Alferez, age 43, of 125 E. Edgewood Drive, Durham, NC 27701.

Agents found Alferez in possession of 7 ½ grams of Cocaine. The Durham County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Division conducted a further investigation and located an additional 62 grams of powder form Cocaine inside Alferez’s residence, located at 125 E. Edgewood Drive, Durham, NC.

As for Lee County Alferez was charged with 1 count of felony possession of Cocaine, 1 count of felony maintaining a dwelling place for the storage and sale of an illegal controlled substance, and 1 count of misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia, and held on a $11,000.00 secured bond. Also a  warrant for arrest for assault on a female from October 2000 from Durham was served by our agency.  As for Durham County our agency served warrants for 1 count of trafficking Cocaine, 1 count of possession with the intent to sell and deliver Cocaine, 1 count of felony maintaining a dwelling place for the storage and sale of an illegal controlled substance, and 1 count of misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia where an additional $200,000.00 was placed to the initial $11,000.00 bond, totaling $211,000.00 secured.

The Department of Homeland Security determined that Alferez is in the United States illegally and has placed an immigration detainer on Alferez pending his release.  

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