Parents; Talk to Your Kids About Spice / K2

Fake weed also known as “K2/Spice”, “legal bud”, and synthetic marijuana is an herbal mixture that contains dried, shredded plant material and harmful chemical additives. It’s often marketed directly to youth through sales of small plastic pouches decorated with colorful designs, including cartoon characters and recognizable logos. It’s sold in gas stations and convenience stores as potpourri or incense.  In NC, it's now considered a Schedule VI drug and you can be arrested for selling or possessing.

These synthetic chemical compounds are extremely harmful for people to consume or ingest by smoking, drinking or eating. According to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the full dangers of synthetic chemicals that may be found in fake weed has not yet been fully determined since it appears to affect people differently when consumed.
Synthetic cannabinoid products have been proven to be TOXIC. As a result, people who smoke these products can react with rapid heart rate, vomiting, agitation, confusion, and hallucinations. Some are forced to call 911 to receive medical attention or end up in the ER or intensive care units.

Signs to look for to determine if your teen may be using fake weed:
• Small packets labeled “incense” or “potpourri” with colorful labels that may have cartoon characters or other recognizable logos

• Strong clove smell

• Pipes, rolling papers, screens, lighters/matches and other drug paraphernalia used for smoking

The physical signs of using fake weed include:
• Agitation
• Elevated blood pressure, heart rate and palpitations
• Loss of control
• Pale skin
• Profuse sweating
• Seizures
• Vomiting

The physical effects of fake weed use develop fairly quickly, taking only three to five minutes to appear. However, symptoms can last from one to eight hours. The paranoia associated with fake weed is closer to the psychological reaction to PCP or angel dust.

Parents, it’s important for you to talk with your teen about fake weed. Chances are your teen may encounter fake weed at school, while hanging out with friends, or at parties. Or, they may know someone who’s using fake weed. Take a moment to share information with your teen about the dangers of fake weed. 
Further resources can be found here

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