Lee County Joins in Media Effort to Capture Fugitives
G105 has a morning segment called "Bob the Bounty Hunter" on Thursday's at 8:00. Local sheriffs are invited to appear on the show and give names and information about suspects. Today the sheriff was Lee County's own Tracy Carter. Listeners in communities have stepped up to call in tips about fugitives after hearing their descriptions on the show. Information about the fugitives is also posted on the show's website. This segment has been credited with helping law enforcement officials get information necessary for the capture of 64 local fugitives. Show host Bob Dumas welcomed Sheriff Carter and noted that Lee County listeners had frequently requested to have their county included--a request now honored by the new sheriff in town. "I plan to put this valuable law enforcement asset to work for Lee County on a continuous basis," Sheriff Carter said. Sheriffs from Wake, Johnston, Chatham, Durham, and Franklin counties are also currently participating in the program.